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We charge a small listing fee to sell cars. Listing Fee is 100% refundable if we don't find a buyer for your car.
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Normal priority in search page. | Premium priority in search page. 2 times more response. |
Express Sale. Shown in First Page. 5 times more response. |
Usual Time To Sell 1 to 3 Weeks |
Usual Time To Sell 1 to 2 Weeks |
Usual Time To Sell 1 to 10 Days |
Listing Fee Rs. 39 |
Listing Fee Rs. 99 |
Listing Fee Rs. 199 |
Refundable if not sold in 3 weeks | Refundable if not sold in 2 weeks | Refundable if not sold in 2 weeks |
Basic Listing Fee - Rs. 39 |
Premium Listing Fee - Rs. 99 |
Featured Listing Fee - Rs. 199 |
Free Listing: If you do not want to pay the listing fee, we offer a free listing plan. However, free listings can be seen only by dealers, meaning individual buyers won't be able to contact you to purchase the car.
Listings with photos and with mobile and email verified will automatically qualify for free listings.
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