The Most Fuel Efficient Cars in the USA

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Checkout the top 10 fuel efficient cars in America.

Fuel efficiency is a very important stuff and it might be the most important factor for an average family runner while selecting a car. It seems that running a machine economically is the primary feature of an automobile now a days. And realizing the fact and to meet the customer satisfaction manufacturers are working on such sorta machines. Electric powered four-wheelers are the ones who stand top in this line-up. Though they are expensive, they are really economical and beneficial in the long run. Now, let's have a look on the most fuel efficient cars in America.

1. Honda Fit EV
It's 100% electricity that powers the Fit EV, not even a single horse power runs the machine. With a 132 city mpge and a 118 highway mpge, the FIT stands top in the chart. The Fit EV is powered by a 20 kWh Lithium-Ion Battery to ensure a 100 kw output. The car gets fully charged within 3 hours. It is offered in a 3 year contract at $259/month.

Mileage- 132 mpge in city and 118 mpge in highway.

Honda Fit EV
Honda Fit EV

Honda Fit EV
Mitsubishi iMiEV Electric
Ford Focus BEV
Nissan Leaf
Chevrolet Volt
Toyota Prius Plug-In Hybrid
Tesla Model S
VW Jetta Hybrid
Ford C-Max Hybrid
Ford Fusion Hybrid
Last updated on 08-10-2013. By . Category: Picture Gallery
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